Core Values


As we actively participate together in the mission of the body of Christ, we must have perimeters or guidelines to keep us on track-we need governing values.

Core values are not to be viewed as confining but rather defining. In our pursuit of purpose we need to be careful not to stray away from Godly principles.


If our mission is our purpose, our core values are our protection.

  1. We believe the Bible is the inerrant word, and is the guideline for everything that we do.
  2. We believe in developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, fasting, worship, and the Bible.
  3. We believe in following the will of God at any cost.
  4. We believe that God wants us to love him and live Holy.
  5. We believe that we should live and function with a spirit of excellence.
  6. We believe in becoming like the first century church in doctrine, ministry and method.
  7. We believe that strong families are vital to the health of the church and our nation.
  8. We believe in nurturing and releasing God’s people to fulfill the Great Commission.
  9. We believe in the need for unity in the body of Christ.
  10. We believe in good stewardship of our gifts, time and finances.
  11. We believe each person has intrinsic value regardless of age, race, culture, gifting, social standing or gender.